Sunday, November 22, 2015

Top minister Sajid Javid BLASTS Europhiles in furious social media tirade

Sajid Javid

Business Secretary Sajid Javid said the costs of being a member “currently outweigh the benefits”.
The Conservative MP criticised the Britain Stronger in Europe Campaign after it took to social media to declare Mr Javid believed staying in Europe would be better for trade.
Posting on Twitter, the group said: “The Business Secretary is clear: being in Europe means more trade for UK businesses, helping them create more jobs.”But the former investment banker hit back after asserting his comments were misrepresented.
He said: “Actually business secretary is clear: currently [the] costs of EU outweigh [the] benefits. Unless we get major reform, nothing’s off the table.”
Mr Javid is a noted Eurosceptic and has in the past denounced British businesses for taking a hardline pro-EU stance.
Speaking earlier in the year at a Confederation of British Industry diner, he called on company bosses not to undermine the Prime Minister's renegotiation efforts.
David Cameron and Angela Merkel
He said: "We're negotiating a better deal for Britain in Europe. I know this is something the CBI wants to see.
"You have never been shy about highlighting the ways in which the EU hampers and undermines British business.
"You wouldn't sit down at the start of a merger or acquisition and, like a poker player showing his hand to the table, announce exactly what terms you were prepared to accept.
"It doesn't work in the boardroom and it won't work in Brussels."

Last year, the former Culture Secretary said he was “not afraid” of leaving the EU.
"If you said to me: 'Are you worried or frightened or concerned that the British people might vote to leave?' that doesn't frighten me.”

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